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FACT CHECK: BEFORE you consider taking PrEP, please consider this...with the current debate in Washington regarding the overall issue of American Health Care, and the desire for some to eliminate and change American Health Care on both a state AND federal level, will any funding you get for your daily PrEP treatment be available next month or even next week?


PrEP means that you take a drug before you are exposed to something that causes an infection. In this case, an HIV-negative person (you) who might be at risk for HIV (you choosing to have unsafe sex - sex without condoms - with an HIV+ person) would take a pill to help prevent infection.


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved PrEP back in July 2012, however, more than 300 million HIV-negative Americans chose not to chance it.  Why?

IF you are taking PrEP or considering it, HOW MUCH will it cost you? (are you sure?) Watch "Katie Porter calls out Pharmacy Benefits Manager for jacking up drug costs."  Katie Porter Q&A

How HIV Status Disclosure Went Public

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