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3D HIV Awareness ads

BACK STORY: From 1996 to 2009 I hosted private parties at a time when The Net (Internet / Social Media) was being born. With only email, EGroups and Yahoo Clubs as my canvas, I explored and wondered around the internet with just basic tools as copy & paste, FrontPage, Photoshop and other "breakthroughs" in tech of the day. I was at my wits end knowing AOL Chat only allowed 25 people in a chatroom at a time BUT, EGroups and Yahoo Clubs allowed thousands to join, and thus, to add to my growing members guest list. And a growing demand from my membership for one of a kind specialized "themed" invites.

But alas, the parties are no more, and I grew bored. Enter a new phase - HIV Awareness messages with a new twist. 3D with graphics and sound.

Allow me to explore, express and push the boundaries of conventional HIV messages, and to share these views with you in my super simple 3D message videos. My vision is to create a better understanding of HIV being stopped TODAY - for the mind and the heart - with the opportunity and hope to inspire, heal, help us focus, think better, clearer, and in new ways.


For a stronger you (HIV+ or HIV-negative), an empowered us, a united community, for a better life and future. HIV has been stopped just look around and connect the dots.

How HIV Status Disclosure Went Public

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